Selasa, 26 Mei 2009

SMAK1 and Global Warming

Nervous and afraid. Definitely two things that haunt all of these people in the world at this time. Moreover, viewing conditions and situations that exist. Everything is a matter to the effective and that it is chilling. However, what if Sadly, we know that everyone just a sad, scared and nervous just responding to problems of this world. Not all people began to act to change, even most people to be fulsome because they not only talk but act.

That's what happens when people hear the words global warming.Life is only be afraid and no effort to start changing. However, our school is different. SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR's have a way to make significant changes to the way they work.

We know that global warming does not occur free from the excessive exploitation of trees by humans. And we also know , that the paper comes from trees. So, if we throw the paper we break free of the tree. Therefore, the effects that global warming must be reduced to save our trees. The simplest way is that we have to save paper. (Save Paper!)

Things that our school, SMAK 1 BPK PENABUR, is trying to do is rescuing or trying to minimize the usage of paper. How do example:
1. Restrict photo copy of each teacher max. 5 x

2. Using the used paper if it's possible

Those two things have already been implemented in our schools since January and until now it is still valid. For further details, here are the usage of paper charts in our schools

if you see the chart above we certainly see the effectiveness of the new policy that has been applied in the school, isn't it? For the graph paper showing the use of the longer more and more.

To question why we have school. The increase occurred because at that time we are doing the test-preparation and test the reception of new students. Perhaps it could be a reason. But however the change does not require the process easy. Perhaps at this time but still have not seen some of the time then we can see the results.


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